티스토리 뷰

Filmed November 2014 at TEDxBeaconStreet

Meet the “motion microscope,” a video-processing tool that plays up tiny changes in motion and color impossible to see with the naked eye. Video researcher Michael Rubinstein plays us clip after jaw-dropping clip showing how this tech can track an individual’s pulse and heartbeat simply from a piece of footage. Watch him re-create a conversation by amplifying the movements from sound waves bouncing off a bag of chips. The wow-inspiring and sinister applications of this tech you have to see to believe.

Research scientist, Google
Computer scientist Michael Rubinstein and his team have developed a "motion microscope" that can show video footage of barely perceivable movements, like breaths and heartbeats.

TED에 올라온 엄청 재미있는 영상

- 움직임 마이크로 스코프는, 우리의 눈으로 볼수없는 색상, 움직임의 변화를 

  Video processing 도구에 의해 보여준다.


20150428 by someCO

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